Friday, September 24, 2010

love + marriage

mum asked me the other day, when do i intend to get married..

i replied, '3 years' time' and she exclaimed, 'you intend to get married at 30?'

i said yes. very calmly.

well, she wasn't very pleased with my answer, she wanted me to get married by 29 latest.

i had dreamt of getting married to my first love at the age of 25 and have babies at 27.

it didn't happen of cos.

as i reached 25, i didn't want to get married so soon anymore, i wanted to work and gain experiences in life.

i thought, well, i will get married at 27 and have babies at 29 then.. not too late... righhhtttt?

i am 27 now and i am in no hurry to settle down.

why so?

i can't give a definite answer but i think marriage at young age isn't a wise choice cos people change, environment changes, you change, so do i.

what you like at 20 (probably) isn't gonna be what you like at 25 and what you want at 25 may not be what you want at 30.

most people settle down at 30, and when i say settle down, it doesnt mean marriage. it means ýour thinking, your life, the path you intend to choose.

anyone younger than 25 years old, reading this will probably disagree but let's read again in 5 years' time and see if it stays true.

i didn't believe that when i was younger, and i isn't the kind who changes her preferences easily. but i did, i changed, and so did most of my friends.

which also explains why most relationships at young age didn't last (i said MOST, not ALL).

well, there's nothing wrong or right, it's just change. a different taste and preference as you are exposed more to the external factors.

when i settle down, i want it to be eternity.

the person i choose to marry will be the one i will love more everyday, more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

i can't promise i will love him as much as he love me, but love is never about comparison, is it?

maybe the one i settle down will be the one i love more, maybe he will be the one who loves me more..

but as long as the love is balanced, it's okay.

one should learn to be contented..

so if you have found the person you wish to settle down with (seriously).. hold onto it and don't let go.. always appreciates, cherishes, surprises, trust and be honest to him/her..

true love is like crystal.. transparent..

a quote to share with all of you reading now:
"To find someone who will love you for 『no reason』, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness."


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