Thursday, September 09, 2010
a friend posted this on fb:

"isn't it funny how fragile relationships are? So easily formed just as easily broken."

and then, when i was watching channel 8 drama, 'Family Court', one of the female leads said this,


got my ever-complicated mind thinking, change is the only constant.

when i post the above chinese quote of sort to my fb, a conversation started:

friend: if it's real, then it will not change =)

me: if that's the case, why would there by breakups?

friend: not real enough not to change? just as there is love at 1st sight, there's breakups

me: so means if there's breakups, it isn't real enough?

friend: i will say it's complicated

friend: anyway it's true that love is complicated. one may not necessary marry the person one loves alot.

me: love is simple, relationships are not.. like a quote i have seen, it wrote, "Love is unconditional, relationships are not." so usually its the relationship that make love complicated, not love itself..

i really do think so.. love is simple.. you love me + i love you = us in love

but relationship? not so clearcut.

other than love, it needs trust, transparency, compromise, support, communication, honesty.

short of any one, the relationship wont last (not a lifetime anyway), wont be healthy.

i always believe that love can change a person.. i've seen it, i've experienced it.. but now, though i believe love can change a person, the love must be deep enough.. where the love for the other party is deeper than the love for oneself.. only then, will change occur..

i have friends regretting after their partners really left them (okay, usually guys who regret and girls who left).. as in, they aren't turning back.. and they realise, they lost someone precious..

try ways and means to have them back.. but most of the time, failed.. why?

cos those who decided to leave had been hurt badly and are too afraid to try again.. cos they can't bear the pain again..

i had seen my friends so upset.. singing songs that reflect their stupidity in hurting the girl so much, for causing so much insecurity that the girl finally decided to leave..

and frankly speaking, i had mixed emotions.. i felt sad for them cos they really do love their partners.. and really wanna spend the rest of their lives with the one..

however, i wanna curse them for crying over spilled milk.. why din they realise the end when there's still chance to salvage? why did they have to wait till its too late before they realise what they had done?

if i am the girl's friend, i would do the same - ask her to leave him.

if i am the boy's friend, i would ask the girl to give him another chance.. to try one last time..

see? different viewpoints from different roles..

in the chinese drama i'd seen, the female lead said something like, everyone has lots of principles to follow, strict methods and lots of big theories but when the thing happened to them, it's a total different story..

so true.

how many times do we have great advices for our friends and how many times do we really listen to our own advices?

do you?

i don't.

maybe i have seen so many so-called strong relationships ending, and people going back together for all the wrong reasons, thus, i am kinda skeptical..

of cos, i have seen happy couples, happily married for years and still so in love with each other.. still feel so completely into each other.. the fire, the sparks, never fade.. but those are rare cases..

i am still naive when it comes to relationships, cos i still believe in fairytale love.. i really do.

i still believe my prince charming will come and we will live happily forever (if there's eternity)..

we will still hold each other's hands when we are 80, still complement each other, still find each other attractive, so fall in love with each other again and again everyday.. the soul mates, the best friends.. still enjoy each other's company.. still say 'i love you' when wake up and kiss goodnight at the end of the day..

this is my ideal love story..

but like my friend said, people don't always marry the one they love most..

anyway, i won't know if my love story is a fairytale one till well, i die cos before that, anything can happen.. *shrugs*

how about you?

do you believe in fairytale love?


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