Tuesday, November 10, 2009 0 comments
nothing is impossible..

Source: asiaonehealth

Wife allergic to husband's sperm

It was supposed to be a special night between the both of them.

But the young bride discovered a shocking truth on the marriage bed - she was allergic to her husband's sperm.

It was a torturous experience, said Julie Boyd.

"I knew something was not right because I was in a lot of pain," the 26-year-old American told UK tabloid The Daily Mail.

"The pain that I was feeling was like somebody sticking needles up inside of me... a real painful burning," she said.

Describing the pain, she said: "On a scale of one to 10, it's pretty much a 10."

She also told the tabloid that the pain lasted for weeks and blisters developed.
Screencap: Internet

The wedding night was not the first time that she had sex with her husband. The couple had slept together during their two year engagement, but always with protection.

They decided to do away with condoms on their first night as a wedding couple.

Numerous tests

After going for numerous clinical tests, doctors confirmed that Jule suffered from seminal plasma hypersensitivity - her body would attack her husband's sperm, making it inactive, reported The Daily Mail.

Said a doctor: "The body recognizes the sperm as a foreign protein, like it would recognize a peanut allergen or a pollen so you have swelling, you have itching, you have inflammation of the nerve endings."

Unable to conceive naturally, the couple is now considering adoption.
Saturday, November 07, 2009 0 comments

作詞:姚謙 作曲:陳威全

有時候太堅強 笑容卻填不滿眼眶
越是想要隱藏 歌聲就唱的更響亮
你不要追問我 還了些什麼

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
我常問我自己 現在還沒有個答案

多想讓你保護 能流淚一場
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
中越是渴 越是不敢伸手擁抱
我常我自己 現在還沒有個答案

讓你保護 能流淚一場
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

放下討厭武裝 像個孩子一樣

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 0 comments
Picture by: DariaDonMOR
many times i tried to blog something but when the page loads, my mind went blank..

i had no idea what to blog about..

my daily life?

my halloween night?

my work life?

nah. all too boring.

not that nothing happened to my life these days (in fact, alot of things happened)..

just that when i had the feel to blog, i wasn't anywhere near my laptop and when i do, i couldn't rem what i was supposed to blog about..

the feeling was gone and it could not be found.. well, till the next time at least..

and now, i sit here, typing away, hoping sth will come into my mind.. .... .... ....



have i lost the touch of blogging or am i really that busy that i have no time to blog?

answer is both.

i don't seem to be able to find back those feels to blog like i used to in the past.

the job i have now is burying me alive with all the ad hoc and non- ad hoc OTs, meetings, courses and events..

not to mention most aren't claimable for off days..

with that kind of schedule, i have no time to blog.. the time i have is used for zzz and be with loved ones..

all my other time has been eaten up by work..

sucks i know.

i always tell people that work isn't everything but look at me now. its my life.

went to send my mum n sis off the other day (they went Korea. i can't go. no leave. ) and my mum told me, i looked very tired.

i say yea and she said, "唉, 你真的是勞碌命ㄚ.. 每天都那麼忙.. 能休息就休息吧~"

and i agreed. my life is labourer life. work n work n work.

i don have the life of a princess or those born with silver spoon.

what to do?

like a fren had mentioned, my life since born till now is very tough and this year will be the toughest.

life will only get better when i turn 27.

which is either in 2 months time or a years time.

we shall see.

well, it really hasn't been the best year of my life, considering all the downs that i had.

but its the downs that made me appreciate the ups and some of the downs were blessings in disguise. so i am actually glad.

the year is ending, its the time where people start reviewing the what they had done in the past year, had they meet the goals and start making new goals and targets for the new year.

i think back and i realised i have nothing to review cos i had made no targets nor goals this year.

it has been a cruise-thru year for me.

a year for me to change a life. a makeover of sort.

and i can't say i hate it cos change is the only constant.

i may not like the change but that the only constant in life, really.

with every turn comes a new opening.. with every door closed opens a new window and with all the downs, come the ups in life.

i have cried alot this year.. but i believe i have truely laughed alot this year too..

fake laughs and smiles? still exist.

but the amt of times i had really laughed or smiled increased.

so all is balanced in life.

its not so bad afterall if you look at it in a different light.

so all is good for me i guess.

how about yours?