Saturday, August 25, 2012 0 comments

TG National Day

August has been a busy month with lots of major events going on, with the most major being the National Day Dinner Celebration.

Having 3 major events within 4 days was no joke. It was a month of long working hours, lots of meetings, site recees, frustration and nervousness. Nevertheless, it was full of fun and I definitely learnt a lot. ツ

For the first time in my life, I performed on stage with more than 2,000 audience. It was a scary yet exciting experience. I was arranged to partner with my big boss and my heart almost stopped. Despite being talkative and friendly, it was totally different when you have to perform on stage with huge crowd and partnering with your big boss. I felt like a kid having to meet the principal. Well, on the positive side, at least my big boss knows me now! haha

Decorating of the place

Final Rehearsal for the performance *nervous*

My big boss

The little angels on stage =)

Our trainer for our performance

The little angels ♥  

Random Pic

Group photo with the staff 
Success Event!
Yam Seng! :D

Just as we were busy with National Day events, it was the time of the year: 7th Month (Hungry Ghost Month). I was warned beforehand that I have to attend many 7th month dinners and I have to eat a lot of Kong Ba Baos (Chinese Braised Pork Buns). I did not take much notice of it as I was thinking, why should I be worried? Kong Ba Baos are nice and well, they are free dinners, people would not be afraid of free dinners, would they?

I was sooooooo wrong. By the second dinner, I dreaded seeing the food. Though free, they come in large portions and the food are almost the same for every dinner. It did not help that I was attending 3 dinners for 3 consecutive days and Kong Ba Bao is one of the standard dishes for the dinners.

It was definitely fun watching the residents bid for the items and the food are nice. However, one can get sick of good food if they are served to you too often, and in my case, for 3 consecutive days. =.=

When I am writing this post, I have been to at least 7-8 dinners and more to come. Always the same few dishes.

First few dishes

The fish is always the same. =.=

the kong ba baos!!!! I had to eat two! 

Of cos, the dishes are usually nice and sometimes, it is really exciting watching the residents bidding for the items. Some items can go up to more than $10,000!

2 bottles of Macallan for $288!

Martell is one of the most popular items for 7th month bidding and for some places, one bottle of Martell can go up to $1,000!

I do not understand Hokkien, thus, it gets quite boring for me. Well, still, it is an interesting experience for me.

Alright, off to the next dinner! :)
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 0 comments

Adidas Jeremy Scott

Finally, my shoes arrived! Adidas Jeremy Scott's wings series! Love it to the max!

When I first saw the shoes online, I was totally sold! I love wings (perhaps due to my name) and I definitely love unique stuff! This pair of shoes have both! It is not expensive either, only $100++.. I couldn't find it in Singapore and bought it online  instead. There was hiccups during the delivery process but overall, I still love it!

Originally, I saw this design, white in colour. The model was wearing them and it looks really cool!

However, when I went in and saw the other designs, I find the other wing design nicer. The above design has  something that I did not like: the wings are stuck behind, it doesn't "fly". =(

Later on, I saw that there are gold colour for the shoes! Silver is ugly and white is too common, not to mention luminous is  useless to me unless I am a guy who wishes to impress the girls at a party. So it is pretty obvious what my choice is! :D

See the wings? How can anyone NOT love it? :D

How it looks when you wear them

The kids were impressed with the wings and thought I could fly in them! The innocence of  kids are so lovable! :D

Now I am looking at buying another pair of design, though I am having reservations with the seller. *shrugs* Oh well, we shall see how it goes.

Oh! They even have bears and/or tails designs! I particularly love this design!

Cool isn't it? I'm into leopard prints  recently :P

The tails are so damn  cute!

They have bear design too but seems too much for me.

Time to save up! :D