Thursday, December 31, 2009 0 comments
As my friend and I were chatting over msn (since both of us gotta work till 10pm on New year's Eve) .. He saw my display pic (below) and said:

Vidzy @ work says (8:53 PM):
ur dimples so deep
*haha no wonder wun get drunk whaha

s¡ııy åиgеıå says (8:54 PM):
does it gotta do with my dimples?

Vidzy @
work says (8:55 PM):

*u dunno wat dimples is called in chinese?

s¡ııy åиgеıå says (8:56

*i noe
*but what does my not getting drunk gotta
do with my dinples?

Vidzy @ work says
(8:57 PM):
*haha u have deep dimples ma!
*the belief is that
deeper the dimples, the more one can drink haha
s¡ııy åиgеıå says (8:57 PM):
s¡ııy åиgеıå says (8:58 PM):
*i have never heard of
such belief

Vidzy @ work says (8:59

*haha now u do
*but how accurate i dunno

hmmm..i really never heard of such beliefs.. have you? lol
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 0 comments
today i had an interesting qns being asked by a colleague..

"how do you know that's love? the feeling?"

its like what i had asked my friend, "how do you know he's the one?"

and as the answer always is..

"i don't know. it just feel right.."

and it's true..

there's no explanation.. no way to describe.. no way to test or confirm if that's real love.. if that's the right person for you..

you just know it..

when you are alone.. he/she is the one that comes to your mind.. all the time..

you close your eyes and imagine 5 years later.. 10 years later.. 50 years later.. and there he/she is.. right beside you.. and you smile (or got a shock for some)..

some may argue that it might just be an illusion.. but.. ain't all love illusions? that may last for life?

aren't all of us looking for that particular illusion that may.. become the reality for us?

there's always a risk of the bubble bursting..

you may end up with nothing.. you may end up with everything.. who knows?

life is unpredictable..

sometimes, some things seems so bleak.. may end up completely different from what you had expected..

some says, they never fall deep in love.. they never want to get married..

yet.. more often than not.. they fall when they least expected it and the thought of living without that person scares them more than they getting married..

ta da.. they knew that's love.. that's the one..

who can teach you? some things can't be taught.. some things can't be explained..

like supernaturals in life, love is unexplainable by science and theories..

that's why its so special.. only a handful in the world will experience it..

those who experience it swear it exists and those who didn't will never believe in it..

(till they met the one who can change their minds.. )

love can make or break a person..

are you broken or remade?
Sunday, December 27, 2009 0 comments
Living is a chore .. I'm tired of it ..




Saturday, December 26, 2009 0 comments
so near yet so far ..
Friday, December 25, 2009 0 comments
i was told not to publicise my personal stuff.. and i was thinking.. if on my own blog i cant be real.. if in my own fb profile, i cant be true.. if i have to pretend in front of those i love most.. where can i be frank?

no one reads my blog anyway.. so is my fb.. those who really cares will know it thru my own mouth.. not thru such engines..

alot of people speculate over my one fb msg.. a msg which was written in an emotional state.. a heartbroken state.. and pple started spreading rumours..

its my fault and if there're things i regret, this is one of the most regrettable stuff i had ever done..

these are the places where i could be frank cos he never reads it.. he never read my profile nor my blog.. and i tot i could be frank without pissing him off..

but i forgot.. walls have ears.. words spread and ta da! its done.. i have ruined it again..

and now i have to bear the consequences.. of pretending.. to be happy.. to be contented..

sitting right beside him n knowing he's not mine.. standing beside him and can't hold his hands..

feeling sick and pretended that am healthy.. smiling n happy..

only one thing never change: i still hide in the toilet n cry and he still doesnt know..

nothing to be happy about over here..

first time.. really.. to feel like this.. to really understand some ppl love till they wanna die..

why some ppl committed suicide over love..

cos living without the one they love is worse than dying without them..

not worth it.. some would say but who's to judge?

no one.

no one has the right to judge cos you cant fault love..

love is without reason, without justification.. without conditions.. and definitely without logic..

i m standing in a position of loving n being loved..

love or be loved?

my mind says latter but my heart chooses former..

to be happy or miserable?

again, mind chooses the easy way out and heart chooses the hard one..

stupid.. utterly stupid..

but love makes you stupid.. thats the way it should..

and right now, i am being one..

on an emotional roller coaster.. up the few hours, and crashing for the rest of it..

depressed, suicidal, hysterical, schizophrenic..

will this ever end?

like a fairytale? a romance movie?

and they live happily ever after?

if i pray hard enough, will it happen?

if i beg you, will you come back?
Friday, December 18, 2009 0 comments
a friend said this over msn..
xx says (12:29 AM):
*relationship involve both party
*is like playing a game
*both party can set the rules
*each has their rights to ask for things
*and it is for both to nego on the terms
*if they cannt set the terms right
*den no point comtinuing

very interesting and it set me thinking..

isn't it true?

there's always terms n conditions..

and we usually didn't read that part..

and end up breaking all of them..

can we set the terms right?
Monday, December 14, 2009 0 comments
some say, as long as there's no physical contact (sex, kiss, hugs etc), that's not cheating..

i say, when there's intention to do so, it's cheating..


some say, lies were to protect the other party from hurt..

i say, lies were to protect the sender from facing the music.. from dying with guilt and clearing the mess he/she created..


some say, there's love.. shouldn't give up..

i say, there's love but there's no trust = nth

some say, you've come a long way..

i say, it means nth if this long way didn't stop the other party from wanting to cheat (if he hasn't alr done so)..


some say, once lied, may not lie forever..

i say, if the lie means nth to the sender, then yes, he/she will lie forever.. more n more, smarter n smarter.. a vicious cycle..


some say, two people together, there's definitely differences in thinking..

i say, difference is ok, but not when values are different and respect is not shown for the other party's values..


some say, after while, there's definitely no passion in a rs.. cant possibly be honeymoon all the time..

i say, that's bullshit cos i have experienced passion for long time in a rs before.. its all up to the party whether he/she wants to make the effort to keep the flame from dying..


some say, outsiders see clearer..

i say, insiders know better..

i used to wonder why was it that my ex bf loved me but wanted to break up with me?

and now, i understand..

love is important but trust is more important..

when trust is gone, nothing else matters..

when you chose to sms the girl , your heart was no longer with me .. and when you chose to lie to me , the relationship died ..

丁当 - 你为什么说谎

作词:刘沁 黄婷 作曲:刘沁

这次我走开 再没有话要说出来
我不想再期待走下去 还能多精彩

可是我知道你 你为什么说谎

你说你还在 一分一秒也没走开
我想留在这里 可是这一切已太晚

你不必解释 你为什么说谎

你不能说我没有爱过 说我没等过难过
我也想说 也许能重来我却还是沉默
而我的泪 怎么就流下来

你说你还在 一分一秒也没走开
我想留在这里 可是这一切已太晚
你不必解释 你为什么说谎

你不能说我没有爱过 说我没等过难过
我也想说 也许能重来我却还是沉默
而我的泪 怎么就流下来

你不能说我没有爱过 说我没等过难过
我也想说 也许能重来我却还是沉默
而我的泪 怎么就流下来

而我的泪 怎么就流下来
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 0 comments
nothing is impossible..

Source: asiaonehealth

Wife allergic to husband's sperm

It was supposed to be a special night between the both of them.

But the young bride discovered a shocking truth on the marriage bed - she was allergic to her husband's sperm.

It was a torturous experience, said Julie Boyd.

"I knew something was not right because I was in a lot of pain," the 26-year-old American told UK tabloid The Daily Mail.

"The pain that I was feeling was like somebody sticking needles up inside of me... a real painful burning," she said.

Describing the pain, she said: "On a scale of one to 10, it's pretty much a 10."

She also told the tabloid that the pain lasted for weeks and blisters developed.
Screencap: Internet

The wedding night was not the first time that she had sex with her husband. The couple had slept together during their two year engagement, but always with protection.

They decided to do away with condoms on their first night as a wedding couple.

Numerous tests

After going for numerous clinical tests, doctors confirmed that Jule suffered from seminal plasma hypersensitivity - her body would attack her husband's sperm, making it inactive, reported The Daily Mail.

Said a doctor: "The body recognizes the sperm as a foreign protein, like it would recognize a peanut allergen or a pollen so you have swelling, you have itching, you have inflammation of the nerve endings."

Unable to conceive naturally, the couple is now considering adoption.
Saturday, November 07, 2009 0 comments

作詞:姚謙 作曲:陳威全

有時候太堅強 笑容卻填不滿眼眶
越是想要隱藏 歌聲就唱的更響亮
你不要追問我 還了些什麼

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠
心中越是渴望 越是不敢伸手擁抱
我常問我自己 現在還沒有個答案

多想讓你保護 能流淚一場
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

每個人都有夢 幸福總站在最遠方
中越是渴 越是不敢伸手擁抱
我常我自己 現在還沒有個答案

讓你保護 能流淚一場
讓我放下武裝 像個孩子一樣

放下討厭武裝 像個孩子一樣

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 0 comments
Picture by: DariaDonMOR
many times i tried to blog something but when the page loads, my mind went blank..

i had no idea what to blog about..

my daily life?

my halloween night?

my work life?

nah. all too boring.

not that nothing happened to my life these days (in fact, alot of things happened)..

just that when i had the feel to blog, i wasn't anywhere near my laptop and when i do, i couldn't rem what i was supposed to blog about..

the feeling was gone and it could not be found.. well, till the next time at least..

and now, i sit here, typing away, hoping sth will come into my mind.. .... .... ....



have i lost the touch of blogging or am i really that busy that i have no time to blog?

answer is both.

i don't seem to be able to find back those feels to blog like i used to in the past.

the job i have now is burying me alive with all the ad hoc and non- ad hoc OTs, meetings, courses and events..

not to mention most aren't claimable for off days..

with that kind of schedule, i have no time to blog.. the time i have is used for zzz and be with loved ones..

all my other time has been eaten up by work..

sucks i know.

i always tell people that work isn't everything but look at me now. its my life.

went to send my mum n sis off the other day (they went Korea. i can't go. no leave. ) and my mum told me, i looked very tired.

i say yea and she said, "唉, 你真的是勞碌命ㄚ.. 每天都那麼忙.. 能休息就休息吧~"

and i agreed. my life is labourer life. work n work n work.

i don have the life of a princess or those born with silver spoon.

what to do?

like a fren had mentioned, my life since born till now is very tough and this year will be the toughest.

life will only get better when i turn 27.

which is either in 2 months time or a years time.

we shall see.

well, it really hasn't been the best year of my life, considering all the downs that i had.

but its the downs that made me appreciate the ups and some of the downs were blessings in disguise. so i am actually glad.

the year is ending, its the time where people start reviewing the what they had done in the past year, had they meet the goals and start making new goals and targets for the new year.

i think back and i realised i have nothing to review cos i had made no targets nor goals this year.

it has been a cruise-thru year for me.

a year for me to change a life. a makeover of sort.

and i can't say i hate it cos change is the only constant.

i may not like the change but that the only constant in life, really.

with every turn comes a new opening.. with every door closed opens a new window and with all the downs, come the ups in life.

i have cried alot this year.. but i believe i have truely laughed alot this year too..

fake laughs and smiles? still exist.

but the amt of times i had really laughed or smiled increased.

so all is balanced in life.

its not so bad afterall if you look at it in a different light.

so all is good for me i guess.

how about yours?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 0 comments
credits to: Joanna Huiting :D

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 0 comments

Angela あやか

Angela あやか 哇! 很準耶!

Angela 已參加 看看你是怎樣的一個人?(準) 測驗,結果是 4.生氣


快來作個屬於自己的心理測驗! | 參加此測驗

just did this quiz in fb.. true..

it says..

1. people who don't know me well thinks i am ........ a very caring person, has the ability to sense if another person is unhappy, and doesn't easily say the wrong word or topic.

2. people who knows me well thinks i am ........ a person whom they can talk reason to, who draw a very clear line between right and wrong, black and white.

3. i hope people will think that i am ....... a smart but ain't proud person.

4. i wish that my lover is ........ of high intelligence, can control me but reasonable.

5. actually, i am ......... a straight forward and frank person, alot of times, i can't mix well with other people due to my character, hopes more people can understand me a little better, especially the one i like.

hmmmm.. its really true.. go try it.. =)
Saturday, September 12, 2009 0 comments
Chatting with a fren and she said this:

P says (6:56 PM):
gettings guys is like buying fruits..
P says (6:56 PM):
outside nice nice if inside rotten cannot refund

what a great analogy..
when i was younger, i yearned to be part of a group.. big group.. wanted to be invited to activities etc..

but as i grow older.. i'd rather go out individually with the people i called friends than to waste my time faking my smiles at people i didn't like in a group..

don't get me wrong.. i don't despise or dislike going out in a group.. but i wont crave for it.. neither would i be affected if i am not being invited..

in a big group of friends, let's say 10-20, can you really say that this is a group of friends who are true to one another? that all are really good friends and such?

most prob not..

in a group of less than 5, yea.. there will be true or real deep bond.. but more than that? its hard..

in a big group like this, there's bound to be small cliques.. and friction and well.. displeasure..

its only a matter of time where a group like this will crack and split into small groups.. jus like Soviet Union (USSR)..

Up till now.. i have never seen a group of friends (more than 5 "members") remain the same group..

esp friends since young.. pri? sec? jc?

they usually split up due to more n more conflicts.. seeing true colors of one another etc..

smart ones keep quiet and fade away..

not-so-smart ones will stay in there, trying to keep everything together.. not accepting that things aren't the same anymore..

(just like in a relationship yea?)

i think its better that you are remembered as an individual and they meet up with you separately than to be remembered as a group member to be asked along for group outings only.. where's there only fun..

what do you think?
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 0 comments
(1) 当一个孤独的男孩经常对你厣厣一笑时,他已经喜欢上你了

(2) 每次和你在一起的时候,他会很沉默,明明牵着你的手,却一会看天一会看云,你会认为他不喜欢你,错了,此时他眼里只有你,只是他习惯了一个人的感觉.

(3) 当你在也受不住沉默的时候,你提出分手.他没有忧郁一刻便答应了,你认为他是真的不爱你,错了,他只要幸福快乐,满足你所有欲望,所以宁可忍痛退出.

(4) 他答应以后,便故作一点也不在乎的,漫无经心的走掉了,但是你永远也不会知道他心里是多么难过,也许这是他真的知道世界上有一种感觉叫欲哭无泪.

(5) 分手后,他每次走过你身边,都会显得更无所谓,但是你不会知道,当你转身只后,他会静静望着你的背影偷偷留泪.

(6) 就在你终于知道他是多么爱你并且你也仍爱着他的情况下,你去他的廎室找他,推开门,他正在椅在床上默默叹气,你走进她他,他却顾也不顾的一把把你抱住,你笑了,这时却觉得衣襟湿湿的,你永远也不会知道,你的这个笑容,是他用多少不绵的泪夜换来的.
Monday, September 07, 2009 0 comments
"if holding on is too tough, maybe its time to let go.."

an advice i tell my friends when they do not know if they should let go or hold on..

but more often than not, they choose to hold on even when it hurts so bad.. cos when you hold on, you can still hope..

by letting go, you are accepting the reality that its the end..

and that is hard..

facing and accepting the reality is really hard..

a part of us, humans, like to escape and refuse to accept the reality..

why should we when we can keep holding on and having a glint of hope?


but only by facing the reality can one move on.. and be stronger..

ever thought of that?

i did.

"what doesn't kill you make you stronger.."

there's a reason why there's such a saying..

having said that, who had ever been so logical?

especially when it comes to matters of heart?

i didn't.

how about you?

"When one is in love,

one always begins by deceiving one's self,

and one always ends by deceiving others.

That is what the world calls a romance."

~Oscar Wilde
Saturday, September 05, 2009 0 comments
so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

Friday, August 28, 2009 0 comments
You took my heart and lifted it high

Then you let it fall...hard...

And watch it broke into million pieces...

For me to pick up and mend it


It can never be perfect again

Coz there’s a deep scar

Left by you
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 0 comments
50 Things Women Wish Men Knew

There are some universal truths that women believe all men should—but don't—understand. Lucky for you, we convinced some girls to open up and tell us what they aren't. Check out this list for a better idea of what's going through her mind.

What She Wishes You Knew #1

Saying "I love you" immediately before, during, or following sex doesn't count.

Comments from me: yes

What She Wishes You Knew #2

Real men drive stick shift.

Comments from me: hmmmmm

What She Wishes You Knew #3

I will leave if you lie.

Comments from me: yes

What She Wishes You Knew #4

You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts).

Comments from me: ..

What She Wishes You Knew #5

I'm convinced I'm pregnant and obsess about it for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours before my period, even when I have no rational reason to think so.

Comments from me: definitely

What She Wishes You Knew #6

I love it when you hug me from behind and whisper in my ear.

Comments from me: of cos.. hee.

What She Wishes You Knew #7

"Fine" is never an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.

Comments from me: yea

What She Wishes You Knew #8

Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you.

Comments from me: or another woman. lol

What She Wishes You Knew #9

I'm terrified of becoming my mother, even though I admire her.

Comments from me: ..

What She Wishes You Knew #10

I get turned on simply seeing that I have an e-mail from you.

Comments from me: *shy*

What She Wishes You Knew #11

I expect you to call me.

Comments from me: yea.. and get upset when you don't.

What She Wishes You Knew #12

Only rock stars are allowed to wear leather pants.

Comments from me: yes

What She Wishes You Knew #13

I'm scared of losing my independence.

Comments from me: kinda

What She Wishes You Knew #14

I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be.

Comments from me: yes.

What She Wishes You Knew #15

Oral sex is your get-out-of-the-doghouse-free card. Manolo Blahnik shoes also do the trick.

Comments from me:

What She Wishes You Knew #16

You did something bad. I seem cool with it. I'm not. (See directly above.)

Comments from me: yes.

What She Wishes You Knew #17

If I'm not having sex with you, I'm . . . a.) . . . having a fat day. b.) . . . not feeling "connected" to you. c.) . . . blackmailing you to get something I want.

Comments from me: first two.. yes.. third? i never tried. does it work? =X

What She Wishes You Knew #18

Shoes determine whether you're fashionable or not.

Comments from me: and hair.

What She Wishes You Knew #19

I own a Debbie Gibson CD, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Comments from me: i don't.

What She Wishes You Knew #20

When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.

Comments from me:

What She Wishes You Knew #21

A man I love plans the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and he buys my favorite candy in advance when we're just going to the movies.

Comments from me: yes. definitely yes.

What She Wishes You Knew #22

You look hot in hooded clothing items.

Comments from me: err..

What She Wishes You Knew #23

You should never tell me what to do.

Comments from me: hmmmmm..

What She Wishes You Knew #24

If I slept over, you owe me breakfast.

Comments from me: yes. should never let me go hungry.

What She Wishes You Knew #25

My breasts love much licking and sucking.

Comments from me: not too hard though.. hurts.

What She Wishes You Knew #26

If you ask me out directly, I will say yes.

Comments from me: unless i am really too busy.

What She Wishes You Knew #27

I'm very impressed when you ask for my advice.

Comments from me: yes, that shows u are smart enough to seek help when needed.

What She Wishes You Knew #28

I'm unimpressed with a man who doesn't take the lead.

Comments from me: kinda

What She Wishes You Knew #29

When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color.

Comments from me: ..

What She Wishes You Knew #30

I want to be Madonna.

Comments from me: ..

What She Wishes You Knew #31

Women get urinary-tract infections easily, so watch (and wash) your fingers.

Comments from me: yes, please take notice of hygiene.

What She Wishes You Knew #32

I'm in heaven when you hold my hand.

Comments from me: *smiles* its sweet. =)

What She Wishes You Knew #33

You're sexy when you're: shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby.

Comments from me: you do.

What She Wishes You Knew #34

I need to hear how you feel about me. Often. Tell me now.

Comments from me: yes. we need to hear the words. not jus, "you know it.. duh"

What She Wishes You Knew #35

Surprises, especially gifts for moi = more loving.

Comments from me: yes, girls love surprises.

What She Wishes You Knew #36
I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you—and for you to recognize this.

Comments from me: yea. we won't know if you don't say.

What She Wishes You Knew #37

If I'm not feeling loved, I will start looking . . .

Comments from me: yup

What She Wishes You Knew #38

Discussion of ex-gf's and ex-bf's should be avoided at all times.

Comments from me: i guess the word "comparison" is more appropriate.

What She Wishes You Knew #39

I like it when you tell me what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself.

Comments from me: yea. so that i feel that i am a part of you.

What She Wishes You Knew #40

Celebrating our anniversary, even if it's only been a few months, earns major bonus points.

Comments from me: and when you stopped doing that, it shows that u don't love as much anymore.

What She Wishes You Knew #41

I love it when you're sweaty.

Comments from me: err..

What She Wishes You Knew #42

It's best to consult your gal pals for gift ideas.

Comments from me: yea. girls that i approve of.

What She Wishes You Knew #43

A lady should always be greeted with kisses.

Comments from me: or hugs.

What She Wishes You Knew #44

I like porn.

Comments from me: unless the guy is too ugly or the girl moans like she is in pain. and oh, when its censored at the xxx areas. whats the point of having porn if its mosaic-ed?

What She Wishes You Knew #45

I love holding your bum in the palms of my hands.

Comments from me: yes, i really love it. hee

What She Wishes You Knew #46

Even nice girls like hushed dirty talk in public.

Comments from me: yes. love it.

What She Wishes You Knew #47

It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read . . .

Comments from me: yes. please note.

What She Wishes You Knew #48

For the record: I'd rather you break up with me than cheat.

Comments from me: another important point.

What She Wishes You Knew #49

I remember everything about our relationship.

Comments from me: yea. even when you don't.

What She Wishes You Knew #50

You should know all this and more without my telling you.

Comments from me: yea. but you usually don't.

i like this list.. what most girls feel. guys, read it and remember.
50 Things Men Wish Women Knew

Listen up ladies: We know you're keeping secrets from us. And even though you think you've got men all figured out, we're hiding a few things ourselves. But we're kind enough to compile this list of 50 universal guy truths that all women should understand. Read on and learn what your man is really thinking.

What He Wishes You Knew #1

Express yourself. It makes us proud, even if someone thinks you're wrong.

Comments from me: is that even true? What if the someone is you (the guy)?

What He Wishes You Knew #2

You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes.

Comments from me:
running shoes.... hmmm.. really? *brows*

What He Wishes You Knew #3

Bare, tan shoulders are underrated.

Comments from me: i guess cleavage is better.

What He Wishes You Knew #4

If you think I'm speeding now, you should see me drive when you're not in the car.

Comments from me: hah. that i agree. and girls may say the same thing to the guy.

What He Wishes You Knew #5

If you're truly interested in us, don't play hard to get.

Comments from me: if we don't play hard, you guys wont treasure us.

What He Wishes You Knew #6

Shopping is a chore, not an activity.

Comments from me: well..that's why girls nowadays turn to online shopping!

What He Wishes You Knew #7

When I screw up, go ahead and tell me—once.

Comments from me: we would like to tell you once, if you listen.

What He Wishes You Knew #8

No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter.

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #9

I'm hot for you, not your sister or your friend or your coworker.

Comments from me: note taken

What He Wishes You Knew #10

My guy friends. Not only are they not negotiable, they're your best sign that I'm not a whack job.

Comments from me: what if they are the reason why none of your rs worked? guy friends are fine. but what kind?

What He Wishes You Knew #11

Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.

Comments from me: is it?

What He Wishes You Knew #12

Leave the eyebrows alone. Plucked ain't pretty.

Comments from me: tat's not gonna happen. plucking of eyebrows is a must unless u have naturally nice ones.

What He Wishes You Knew #13

You can have sex with us any time you want. Seriously.

Comments from me: ooo.. tat's an open secret. =P

What He Wishes You Knew #14

When the game is on, we will pay attention to you if you're nice about it. Bark, and we shut down.

Comments from me: understandable.

What He Wishes You Knew #15

I don't ask for directions because I'm just happy to be driving. Anywhere.

Comments from me:
you sure it ain't cos of ego?

What He Wishes You Knew #16

Masturbation is merely practice for the big game. Encourage it.

Comments from me: of cos.

What He Wishes You Knew #17

We crave hugs and hand-holding too. And no, it doesn't always have to lead to sex.

Comments from me: tat's sweet to noe.

What He Wishes You Knew #18

But you can have sex with us any time you want. Did we mention that?

Comments from me: .......... guys........

What He Wishes You Knew #19

There's no better sound in the world than you, having an orgasm.

Comments from me: note taken. but do all girls moan when having orgasm?

What He Wishes You Knew #20

Though the exhaust note of a Porsche Boxster is pretty damn fine, too.

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #21

I just may lie to make you feel good. Don't be angry about this. You really weren't looking for the truth anyway.

Comments from me: that ain't true, sometimes.

What He Wishes You Knew #22

When you get angry over some stupid little pointless thing, I question your intelligence.

Comments from me: hmmmmm.. don't guys do the same?

What He Wishes You Knew #23

You're really bad at faking it.

Comments from me: at least we bother to fake it so it wont hurt your ego.

What He Wishes You Knew #24

If I offer my help while you're getting ready, it means you're late.

Comments from me:
okay. that's very true.

What He Wishes You Knew #25

Never ask me to pick out your outfit. (See above.) I will invariably get it wrong and make us even more late.

Comments from me: get it wrong? don't think so. we ask cos we trust your taste.

What He Wishes You Knew #26

Giving me two or three choices, however, can be fun. Assuming you will change outfits in front of me. Slowly.

Comments from me: kinky. i like it.

What He Wishes You Knew #27

Err on the side of hot; I love to show you off.

Comments from me: but don't like it when other guys looked?

What He Wishes You Knew #28

Unless we're meeting my parents.

Comments from me: obviously.

What He Wishes You Knew #29

When you call us at work "just to chat," we're not really listening; we're checking our e-mail.

Comments from me: note taken.

What He Wishes You Knew #30

Spring means baseball and skirts. Doesn't need to be a mini-skirt; it's been a long winter.

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #31

Chicks who drink beer are hot. Better yet: chicks who drink beer and watch the game. Better still: chicks who buy us a beer during the game.

Comments from me: note taken.

What He Wishes You Knew #32

We don't mind being told we look good. Just don't call it a "cute outfit."

Comments from me: LOL

What He Wishes You Knew #33

We love ponytails.

Comments from me: really? why?

What He Wishes You Knew #34

Being good in bed means a) enthusiasm; b) a sense of humor; and sometimes c) patience.

Comments from me: of cos!

What He Wishes You Knew #35

The first time? We're as nervous as you are.

Comments from me: i'm sure. =)

What He Wishes You Knew #36

A random unexpected grope is always welcome, even in public. Especially in public.

Comments from me: *cheeky smile*

What He Wishes You Knew #37

Make us laugh and we'll want to hang around.

Comments from me: same for us

What He Wishes You Knew #38

Yes, I laugh really loud around the guys. And I always will, so deal.

Comments from me: yea, so do i. =X

What He Wishes You Knew #39

Sure, men stereotypically like to solve a woman's problems. But a woman who solves her own while we watch? Instant erection.

Comments from me: hmmmm..

What He Wishes You Knew #40

You can pick the movie, but have a reason.

Comments from me: reason? cos we like it.

What He Wishes You Knew #41

Do not expect to have a conversation via text message unless you use the words "naked" and "waiting."

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #42

Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as you. So, thanks.

Comments from me: *melts* tell us in the face and we might just stay for life.

What He Wishes You Knew #43

Anytime you cook for us, we're happy.

Comments from me: same for girls

What He Wishes You Knew #44

If you can hit a golf ball 150 yards, we just might fall in love.

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #45

No, I don't remember what he said next. Or she. Or anybody, for that matter. I'm a guy, not a tape recorder.

Comments from me: ..

What He Wishes You Knew #46

We love you even more because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.

Comments from me: same for girls

What He Wishes You Knew #47

And we love it when you hang with us guys, too.

Comments from me: u sure??

What He Wishes You Knew #48

We have a keen sense of imminent danger. It sounds like, "Do you think she's pretty?"

Comments from me: why so? sometimes, we just want an honest opinion.

What He Wishes You Knew #49

Don't rely on us for keeping you up on the news.

Comments from me: note taken

What He Wishes You Knew #50

Never say, "I know you better than you know yourself." Nobody does.

Comments from me:

interesting article i found online. though some are jus plain bullshit. lol..

so guys.. are all these true??

in any case, i will be posting the female's point of view soon. stay tuned. =)
Friday, August 14, 2009 0 comments
was browsing through my hotmail, searching for some cheer up emails to cheer up a friend of mine when i stumble upon this old email that i had received from a dear friend:

it made me smile and warmed my heart.. memories..

sometimes, there's no need for exaggerating ways to make a person's day..

a simple thank you note or a hug can do the trick jus fine, if not better..

friends.. you may have a lot..

but those who really are true are usually less than a handful..

and trust me, its definitely better to 1-2 true friends than a bunch of fake friends cos:

False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.

for me, i am blessed.. i always have these few true friends with me when i am in need..

they just appear whenever i am down..

just 2 nights back, a friend called me and i tot sth happened to the friend but nope, this friend called because,

"i just felt that i should call you, i think you need this call.."

and nope, this friend never read my blog or anything (and my blog is always random).. just called cos had the feeling that i could use a call..

sweet =)

to my friends who have been with me through period of hard times, i wanna say thank you for being there in any way you could.

i appreciate it. =)

to the rest,

tell your loved ones/friends if you appreciate

don't wait. cos you never know what comes tomorrow. =)
Friday, August 07, 2009 0 comments
an interesting conversation with my sis..

decided to share with you guys..

*[ åGиÊs ]* says (1:32 AM):
a fren once ask me this b4...

if god (whoever ur god is) arrange ur mr perfect to only come by 10yrs ltr, will u wait? noeing that once u be wif this perfect person, u'll be happy for e rest of ur life...

yes? keep ur ans wif u...

coz u nvr noe when ur perfect person will appear.. but b4 u can meet ur perfect person, u hava give up e imperfect ones...noeing that he isnt e one...

u hava give up....
n u hava be able to keep urself in e light to be able to let e perfect person find u...

if u lose urself, how can this perfect person locate u?

*[ åGиÊs ]* says (1:41 AM):
e perfect person will grow tog wif u...n learn tog wif u...pull u up when u need to, n let u pull him up when he needs to...

so keep urself in light... let him locate u...

get rid of e unnecessary ppl, but keep e lesson learned in each r/s wif that when u finally meet e perfect one, u would hv grown n learned enuff for him to fall for u...

so my friends,

when you feel like giving up, don't.

don't lose yourself.. keep yourself in the light and let the one locate you..
Thursday, August 06, 2009 0 comments
phy wrote to me this, a quote from Marilyn Monroe:

"I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure....
I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle.
But if you can’t handle me at my worst,
then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best."

very true.

at the end of the day, one needs to learn to love him/herself more..

who did it?

i didn't.
assurance is through actions, not words

words without actions = bullshit

if your partner isn't even worth your efforts for reassuring him/her about the relationship, then it means you don't deserve that person. you just don't love the person deep enough.

maybe then, its time for you to let go of this relationship and free your partner from the pain and hurt that you are causing because of your indifference.

if your partner just isn't as important as your work, your friends, or your leisure.. this person isn't the person for you cos the love isn't there.

when there's love, there's obsession. the need to see each other all the time, the need for connection all the time..

but if.. such a need doesn't exist (e.g. not meeting is contact is fine..), then this relationship won't last.

its a guarantee that it will end cos a relationship requires both parties' efforts.

with one party, its bound to end, sooner or later.

heed my warning people.

if you enjoy being loved, then learn to love too. always treat others the way you want to be treated.

remember that.
Friday, July 24, 2009 0 comments
and so..

today was my last day at work..

i tot i would tear but i did not.. maybe that's cos monday i still need to terp (interpret) in court..

but the past week was sad.. with every announcement given (about my leaving), people were sad and i felt even worse knowing that i was the reason for their sadness..

but like what my boss say, they should be happy for me as i am moving on to a greener path..

well.. sighs.

the new interpreter has started work this week and i had did all the necessary handover..

cleared my drawers and ended up with 4 big bags of stuff.. today another 2 bags..

but still, my table is full of stuff.. i never remove the pin ups, neither did i clear the stationery..

but i took everything that is personal to me:

all these that used to be hanged at my desk, now all in a big bubble envelope..

and oh my clock where i listened to class 95 everyday.. =)

the stuff were all pinned up behind the PC as u can see from this pic.. and my clock on top of the CPU.. =)

still, the desk look full.. i guess its cos i never remove the calendar, and files and well, all other information that are pinned up..

well.. maybe deep inside my heart, i am hoping that this isnt true.. that maybe i am staying, but i am not..

had a talk with my ando.. was nice.. my last talk with him in his office.. =)

received gifts from interpreter subcommittee members and colleagues:

i especially like what is being written here:

you can always count on true friends.

they help you weather every storm, they cheer you up when you are down, and they chide you when you are wrong.

sometimes you get so preoccupied with life's mundane troubles that you do not find the timeto tell your friends how much they mean to you.

if you have not already expressed yourself, do so now.

such moments seal the bond of friendship forever.

and i realised that's me, too busy with life's mundane troubles.. and i hereby apologise for it..

i still love you, my friends.. those i trust completely, those i don meet as often but still miss, those that are so far away from me that internet is the only way of communication..

i love you all. =)

now that i am sitting here, i am still trying to convince myself that this is the end (leaving of the job)..

and i realised, it has been an interesting year from 2008 to 2009..

  • i lost a r/s i thought i would never lose..
  • i got a job i never tot that i would be in..
  • i lost friends i tot are for life..
  • i gained new friends that i never tot i would have.. from work and outside..
  • i have put myself in confusion in things and situations i tot i would never landed up in..
  • i got enlightened in conversations i tot was superficial..

its really interesting to me.. alot of changes.. changes i never tot of..

i never expect my life to become roller coaster..

if more than a year ago, u were to ask me, how will my life be in a year's time, i would have said, got engaged, applying for flat and getting married..

maybe a stable job in the government sector or hospital..

that's it.

being an interpreter, involved in Deaf community, being single again, losing old friends and gaining new ones? not a chance!

but i did..

and to tell the truth, i am glad for the changes.. it made me a clearer person.. =)

not necessarily a happier person, but i learnt to be more independent..

all in all, i hope this change (change of job) will be beneficial..

i forsee a busier me but maybe, a more satisified me too..

which is good.

i hope for you, the reader, will become a more satisfied person in the coming year and treasure your friends, those who are really true to you are hard to come by.

once lost, it's forever..........................