Sunday, July 27, 2008
what is it in life that you want?

have you achieved the goals you had set for yourself 2 years ago?

are you even halfway there or are you still in the same spot, same crossroad, not knowing where to go?

how many of your goals (that you had set for yourself all these years) have you achieved?

50%? 80%? 20%? 0%?

have life been going the way you have planned? or has it taken a twist and left you stranded in a way that you cant get out?

how many of you believe that your life is yours to write and how many of you believe life is unpredictable?

can one's life really be planned or should one accept what comes along?

do you plan or do you not?

are you a person who can't take surprises?

or are you someone who loves the unpredictability in life (makes it exciting)?


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