Monday, January 05, 2009
was talking to jer over the phone yesterday and got to this topic: change

i told him i intend to blog about it but i am not sure how to convey the message to the readers..

its easier to convey verbally than written ..

well, i am gonna try.. pardon me if you do not understand.. you can always ask me and i shall explain to you again.. =)

i have realised alot of rs failed due to the word: change..

nope, not cos people changed and feelings faded but rather, one party felt the other party has changed and could not accept it, thus, left him/her in search of another person to his/her liking..

this often left the other party dumbfounded, not knowing what had exactly happened or why the r/s even end in the first place..

it just ended cos the other party could not accept the whole package or the change that occurred..

what they failed to realise is, change is the only constant in life..

everyone is changing every second, every minute.. you are not who you are 2 years ago, or even 6 months ago..

but deep down, you are still who you are..

the soul, the spirit, the heart (not feelings) hasn't changed..

your taste may change, your thinking may change, your way of living may change but not your heart.. the heart that made who you were then and who you are now..

these people failed to look beyond the surface, failed to look deeper into the person they once loved, to see he/she is still who he/she is, he/she is still the one that gave his/her heart to you..

you are who you are, you don't change.. deep down, you are still the same old you 10 years back..

even if no one recognizes you, you are still who you are..

if one is willing to look deeper, look beyond the surface, he/she will see the real person..

i personally find it sad that a r/s can end over such reasons.. it proves that a r/s can be so shallow and fragile.. doesnt matter if the r/s had been a short one or had been for years.. its just as fragile and shallow..

these people are afraid of changes, they refuse to accept any changes.. if there's any changes, its better to end the rs.. just in case....................................................

of what? i do not know. it can be anything ranging from irritation and getting tired of the person to betrayal..

there's no such thing as 'i love you but i am leaving you' or 'i love you but i can no longer be with you' cos such phrases are irresponsible..

these are (failed) attempts to make the person NOT that heartless.. a nicer way to break things off.. without realising it only add salt to wound..

when this person could not accept change and left that person, who is the one that has really changed? this or that?

who is the one that never change.....?

PS: thanks for everyone who left a msg in my tagboard, it makes me smile to see people tagging me.. *smiles*


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