Tuesday, June 30, 2009
just did this quiz in fb, very accurate! scary!

Angela took the quiz Tarot Card Reading and the result is Four of Swords
Briefly: It is time to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures.

Full Meaning: You may be run-down, tired, and now it is time to be a little contemplative and to take it easy for awhile. The daily routine has become too demanding or even mundane and you need a change, any change will do. If you have been feeling unwell, it may be time to consult a doctor, a surgeon or even a dentist. Often it can indicate needing an injection, or cutting implements may be needed, as in surgery of some kind, or medications. This is a good time to start looking after yourself, and protecting yourself against such things as getting an infection or fever. Antibiotics may be needed or a tonic or some vitamins. Some people just need to get more sleep or rest.

i tot it was just some kind of random quiz, then when the result was out, i was shocked.. really..

with everything that's happening to me the past few months, this tarot card says everything..

reaching my limit..

body giving signal that it can't hold on any longer..

its time to take a break.. real break..


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