well, not really short.. just touched the shoulder, barely touching actually..
like my short hair now.. i intend to grow it and most probably wont be cutting short anytime soon..
in that case, why not enjoy the growing period? :) and thus, i removed them..
now i don't have to wait for 1 -2 hours for my hair to dry, neither do i need to try to make it look neat.. lol..
and.. i got a new laptop! :D with the help of jer of cos! he met me at Central to look at the laptop, waited till everything was settled before he left for his appointment..
i always find myself lucky to have so many great friends.. who knows IT.. lol..
well, its a mini laptop as my old laptop is too heavy for me to carry for everyday work.. my shoulder and back is hurting from all the weight..
okay.. one main reason is cos my mum wants my laptop.. you see.. my desktop died and she wants to watch her korean dramas etc..
so she suggested getting me a laptop while i leave my old laptop at home for her to use..
okay.. wasnt so much of suggesting, it was basically a nicer way of telling me to give up my old laptop and get a new one, which she is paying..
she bought my laptop at 600+ while i jus finished paying for my old laptop of 2k.. =.=
of cos she is more than willing to buy for me!
i wanted to get macbook but she refused, saying whats the point of getting another heavy laptop to replace my alr heavy laptop?
make sense but i want macbook! :(
well.. i guess i gotta save up money to buy that if i really want it then..
lol.. and that's the best buy for this year!
next on the list: a bike! :D
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