I was at clementi area doing interepreting and after my interepreting, it was almost lunch time.. i think it was almost noon.. so i called eddy and he didn't picked up.. next, i sms-ed asking if he was at home.. he was.. sleeping.. and being me, i told him to wake up and meet me for lunch.. lol.. and being such a nice friend, he agreed.. haha..
and so, i met him at the bus stop at his place and went to Ginza Plaza (i hope i spelt correctly).. it was newly renovated and alot of shops weren't opened.. we went to Sushi Tei and bumped into my ex manager (i used to work at Sushi Tei as waitress)..
the last time i met her, i was only 18 i think.. and now.. i am 26.. darn.. time flies! she actually asked me to go back and help her! haha.. imagine, me being 26 years old, working part time at Sushi Tei again.. lol..
well.. we had a great time reminiscing the old times.. =)
and chatting with eddy is fun.. he jus keeps talking! =X nah.. just joking.. he always have alot of interesting stories.. its good esp when my life is kinda boring at the moment (or rather, i am not letting out alot of my personal life now)..
so yea.. the 1 hour passed very fast and it was time to leave..
was browing thru his blog and saw this:
anyway...my previous post said tt i browse thru post tt ive saved...many thing happened...many things changed...but the thing tt i remember is a "quarrel" with angela...well...we quarrel often...haha...ok maybe not often...i still remember going to bugis...made a small joke...n we didnt talk for weeks...n also abt her blog...which i didnt knw until a few months later(n she tot she gave me the link)...well...she's a fren i got to knw thru the cyberworld but quarrel the most too...from a unknown to a fren to close fren...the cyberspace is really full of surprises...u nv know who u will meet...but lucky for me...those i've met n kept contact with...are not those tt r on the "dark" side...
its really funny how things turn out.. who will be your good friends and who will be strangers.. more often than not, the people whom the 'audience' think will not click with you tend to be those who will be there for you always.. and those they think are good and nice? usually turn out to be the exact opposite..
of cos, its only a matter of time before the truth comes to light.. and people will finally know who is good and real and who isn't.. a few people had already experienced that.. those who were once friends with alot of people are now outcasted and those who were outcasted previously (for no reason or shallow reasons of cos) are now friends with alot of people and well loved..
this is especially prominent in the virtual world.. look around you and you will realise that is true.. =)
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